Start from Scratch!

I haven’t posted anything since new year came. First of all I wanna greet you guys a happy happy new year!

well, everyone has their own new years resolution, to start anew, to do things we’re not able to do the previous year and many more promises to self. well, as I sit on my bed and look at my new and old journal, what I’ve noticed is that, last year I didn’t have so much time to write and record important details that happened in my life. I can say that  I existed, I breathe and mostly I enjoyed it. “Carpe’ Diem” as they say.

Last year was one of a hell roller coaster ride, emotions got disturbed, invested feelings on wrong people, happy faces, familiar names, lovely places, stressed-full work, happy night outs, lovely friends, boyfriend that doesn’t have time, etc….

   This year, my new year’s resolution/plans are: 

 1. Appreciate the world around me. 

– Sometimes, Social media or Internet (itself) drastically changed how we do. you know it! instead of talking iwth friends over a drink everyone is texting, instagram-ming, tweeting, facebook-ing and so on and so forth, why don’t we just put our phones down and appreciate what more is in-front of us.  You will be surprised how amazing it is to talk rather than messaging each other.

 2. Pray with gratitude. 

– Saying “Thank you for everything”  is enough for our God. he knows what we need and what we’re suffering. He listens and see.

 3. Be BOLD and Dream BIG! 

– Pick up an old hobby that you had when you’re still a kid. How great it is to feel how young at heart you are.

 4. Follow your passion. 

– Keep your dreams alive and your passion burning!!!

 5. Listen and Understand. 

– For the past year, this is what I lack. But this year, I will try my best to Listen more and talk less, To understand and not just to hear. Let’s see how we will all change if we will just talk less and listen more!

 6. To Explore and travel more! 

– There is nothing more satisfying than wandering. “Wanderlust” as i call it.  To travel and explore more! to live like the locals, to taste the food that they eat, to have fun and most of all to live.

How about you? What’s your new year’s resolution?  🙂

That’s it folks! I wish you a happy new year and see you in my next post!

grab a new canvas and go ahead for a brand new start! Good luck!


Deanna (